Sunday, April 10, 2011

Adventures in Head Wrapping!! "Rosie the Riveter"

I love a beautiful head wrap! It's so regal and elegant when done right. It's especially beautiful with a vibrant, rich fabric. Unfortunately, If I'm rocking a head wrap it's more "round the house" than regal. I haven't quite explored the art of wrapping with a purpose when I'm stepping out. Unless it's the bun look, which quite frankly I'm sick of. 

The fabulous June Ambrose steps out with a purpose in her head wrap. Gorgeous!!
I have all sorts of beautiful scraps of fabric laying around and with youtube at my disposal, there's no reason why I can't learn!! 

The first look I'm trying is the "Rosie the Riveter" look which is more American pin-up than African queen. But it's fierce no-less and the fabric that I used definitely gives this look an ethnic edge.